Monday, April 26, 2010

Nail care tips for women - 4 common nail problems and their easy solutions

nail damage is a common concern for many women, but with a few essential preventive measures can be resolved easily and without expensive or complicated treatments the 4 most nail problems.

1. Problem cracked nails - this means that your Nagelplatten are dry, hard and schuppig and the keratin cells in which they need, to return to their natural bold and liquid feed level are held. The binders, when the collapse cause Brüchigkeit the nails. Wear gloves, avoiding common application and removing nail polish with based hard alcohol remover, keratin drained layers and with a clear, finish then one can deck coat of Nail Polish help using Nagellackentferner you healthier nails. Also based attempting the nail with a gentle massage, tapered Nagelcreme after visiting each hangnails (tears in the wrinkles and Kutikula) no longer so held relaxation nails from the disk.

2. Problem eingewachsene nails - this question arises from improper trimming of the Zehennägel which can penetrate wrinkles the nails and cause red, geschwollenen and aching toes. For treating an existing State and to prevent the same in future present, beauty experts recommend not Fußnägel cut too short or side ever. Professional Cosmeticians explain, is better, the natural orientation of the toe the form follows best practices trim.

3. Fungal infections - the treatment of fungal infections emerging, which is caused by hard, thickened and eingewachsene Zehennägel, basic hygiene by bacteria the best bet is collected problem to avoid. A basic over the counter remedies with griseofulvin (mild case) or ketoconazole (moderate pain); it is infected pain and broken, discoloured and Zehennägel best, to seek medical help. After the pain has diminished the affected area nail fold can skin of the foot as a measure to combat the damage gently put far sharper regions.

3. Problem often lined broken nails - commonly caused by with bare hands or using nails as "Tools", häufige break and Absplittern the nails working conditions through the consumption of a protein rich diet can be avoided with calcium, is to strengthen the nails gloves while working with water and household cleaners with organic or chemical ingredients, not free damage hands and nails. For the treatment of disease with long-term results, it is prudent cotton gloves with a langstieligen MOP and Broom for cleaning wipes the hands of excess moisture activities, and then with a good Handcreme carefully in circling movements before the tightening for the rental of massierten quality poetry in hands and nails.

4. Problem of unterernährten weak nails with slow growth – this can avoid using nails for joint activities as doses are treated to keep short a number using a classical telephone machine and nails open properly trimmed, submitted in one direction and massing in cream directly after bath (if nails are soft). In addition with thick gloves on the gardening or the use of chemicals, the wearing of protective cover Nagel as "Polish-It" etc. and moving to an acetone free remover for wiping traces old Nail Polish, part of a basic nail care and development are routine. Submission in a single direction keeps nails from Ausfransen and weakening, so by hands nail care experts recommended that would like to view.

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